Call For Articles

The International Journal of Conflict and Reconciliation (IJCR) is a peer reviewed interdisciplinary journal devoted to the pursuit of knowledge and continuing inquiry into how conflict in all aspects of life, from the interpersonal to the global, can be resolved in a non-violent manner, how a culture of peace can be developed and maintained in civil society, as well as the nature of the relationship of peace to social and economic justice.

Peace is a scholarly pursuit encompassing all academic areas of society. The Journal welcomes manuscripts from all disciplines (e.g. the fine arts, physical sciences, medical sciences, social sciences, humanities, and professional schools) and seeks to enhance the diverse research one finds in the contemporary academy. The thrust of this endeavor is to create a top quality journal reflective of serious scholarship.

Articles are accepted on the basis of congruence with the stated purpose of the journal, importance of the contribution to existing literature, conceptual and written clarity, and sound methodology. Manuscripts submitted to IJCR may not be published elsewhere except by invitation only.

The Journal uses three formats in publishing. These are 1) the well-established format of publishing individual articles following evaluations by anonymous reviewers, 2) the ‘special issues’ format, either suggested by an interested party or the journal’s editorial board. Each submitted article is peer reviewed, and 3) the point-counter-point format, as seen in volume 4, issue 1. This format has a different review process to which all contributors must agree.

The Journal has a section on Research Notes where authors can submit short articles on ongoing or prospective research, including preliminary findings, methodological issues, and ethical concerns. The editors believe that Research Notes will benefit authors and scholars working on similar issues. Such exchanges could also be the foundation for collaborative future work. Submissions to this section should not exceed 2000 words.

Send manuscript and correspondence to one of the following co-editors:

Richard Hessler
Professor Emeritus of Sociology, Department of Sociology

Tọ́lá Olú Pearce
Professor Emerita of Sociology & and Women’s and Gender Studies

Copyright © 2009, International Journal of Conflict & Reconciliation. All rights reserved. ISSN 2157-0620
243 Walter Williams Hall | University of Missouri-Columbia | Columbia, MO 65211 | (573) 882-9720